whispers of creation
whispers of creation
when the principles of healing become the principles of being
When we observe the stream of time, we see that everything unfolds in one direction. As a flower emerging and unwinding into the morning light is impossible to fold back into its bud, so is an embryo manifesting into a human body impossible to grow back into a single cell. It is evidence everyone can simply observe, yet most of us forget it when it comes to sickness, disease and health issues. We unconsciously and consciously wish to be back in the state we once were. It is easy to look at the body as a mechanical machine, that is supposed to work a certain way and when it doesn’t, we get it fixed. The assumption that we fix our state of health in order to retrieve the body we once had is based on a mechanical understanding of this universe.
We are undeniably flowing towards the future. The future state of health we wish to have is in the future, not in the past. Sometimes, we have a block or inability to flow towards that future, therefore impairing the ability of consciousness to flow in its intended direction.
In an evolutionary biodynamic approach to healing we are not looking for forces that bring a person back to their original state, but listening to the forces that are bringing them towards their intended manifestation blueprint. In every problem there is a wish, in all issues, a proposition. In chaos exists a secret order. It is because we do not know how we are all intended to blossom that we choose to look for a known past-pattern to identify with.
Again, look at a flower blooming. Observing and witnessing this process is a form of listening, and is a form of “doing” very close to “being”. The power inside the forces of embryogenesis, the love that directs the unfolding of life into matter -- are one and the same with consciousness.
Many alternative therapies are philosophizing about this oneness, this wholeness --We hear about it all the time. Yet most therapies are taught through a puzzle of techniques and anatomy slides, separating the body into as many pieces as the mind needs to satisfy it’s fear of the unknown.
The use of techniques, intent, and mechanical manipulation is bound to be limited. Nature doesn’t create based on linear processes and mechanical models. Nature is perceived as such, yet all life is born out of the vacuum of space, from which matter arises.
Take all the science away. Take all of what you know and put it aside for a second. Look at an embryo, observe it. A gracefully unfolding form within a fluid we all remember to be home. A space, a shell, a bubble, a container, a home. The size of a drop of water, it contains an image of what you will become and all that is required to unfold to its growth.
Who are we, to impose a “perfect image” that anyone should align themselves with? Who are we, to know whether this present state of chaos isn’t what’s intended to be in the first place? Who are we, to even believe we can understand all of this creation?
Let your mind sink into your body to listen to the forever present teacher within and without, the universal principles of nature.
BioDynamic Touch Sessions
The body is a mystery, a complex bundle of sensations, expressions, movements, forms and functions. A record of our past, a script of our unfolding future. A temporary prison of our soul, or a temple of greater expression of your light. This mystery can’t be explained but can be explored.
Biodynamic Touch sessions consist of a blend of Craniosacral therapy, pure biodynamic work and an exploration of the field of archetypal/symbolic psychology.
I have studied Biodynamic Craniosacral therapy & meditation since 2008 and assisted in training for 5 years. I have founded and teach Biodynamic Touch training to develop skills in listening for all therapies. Creating a sacred space is at the core of a healer’s presence. I also offer advanced training on dynamics of healing and the archetypal language of the body. We develop skills in discerning multiple root causes of suffering and of what we call nowadays: illnesses and diseases.
craniosacral therapy
craniosacral therapy
“In order to study the human body one must be studying nature itself, or better stated as allowing nature to teach them.”
Craniosacral principles were discovered by osteopath Dr William Sutherland over 100 years ago after he had a remarkable insight while examining the specialized articulations of cranial bones. Contrary to popular belief, Dr Sutherland realized that cranial sutures were, in fact, designed to express small degrees of motion. He undertook many years of research during which he demonstrated the existence of this motion. Eventually he concluded the motion is produced by the body's inherent life force, which he referred to as the "Breath of Life." With Dr. Sutherland’s discoveries, craniosacral therapy evolved from a mechanical approach to a biodynamic one. The work was then carried by many of his students into various schools of biodynamic practice.
The biodynamic approach I practice is an evolutionary model, not a treatment model. Treatment happens on many levels at the same time as part of an evolutionary impulse of consciousness itself in relation to you, the observer. As a practitioner, my listening skills provide not only a foundation from which to lead my work, but a space in which the body -- the result of millions of years of intelligent processes -- can communicate and be witnessed in its intended unfolding.
Our listening skills allow us to trace the story of past trauma to its origin. Yet we do not solve an issue by finding its origin, but by understanding its intention in the purpose of its manifestation. Conflicts reminds us of the suffering we’ve known, inviting us to consciously move past deeply rooted reactions and envision a creative outcome. Instead of letting our wounds speak through aggressive actions, how can we harness the power of peace and use it to fuel future compassionate actions?
We all want to move forward – nature only moves forward -- despite our best efforts to cling to the past and who we think we are.
Every one of us is unique; and the way to our heart and to our original sacred blueprint is like a labyrinth of our deepest wounds, desires, dreams and shadows. Every session is unique; only the highest space of your heart, that will always remain free from manipulation, knows how to heal yourself. By listening to this space, together we take a step closer to the mystery that you are.
Although we do not treat symptoms directly in evolutionary biodynamic craniosacral therapy, often as a client embraces their new state of health their symptoms resolve as well.
While craniosacral therapy is not limited to specific issues, it can be helpful to see a few examples of symptoms relief. Craniosacral therapy can help with physical issues related to back pain, headaches, fatigue, stress, anxiety and depression. It can remove toxins present in the body and assist with fertility related issues. Its action soothes the central nervous system and can get in touch with the emotional body. A powerful tool in increasing awareness of self, craniosacral therapy can aid one in discovering their relationship with their body and spirit.
*Note that it doesn’t replace medical professional consultations.
Biodynamic Touch Trainings - Click here for more details