“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
It’s not a coincidence why I ended up where I am. I work with memories in all forms and ways.
Photography has all to do with immortalizing a powerful moment into something that will defy time. Like a recollection of what my body has felt into a visual sculpture of time.
Astrology, another of my passions, has all to do with the passage of time experienced through various cycles. Imprints held in shape, and dissolved by planetary dynamics.
Meditation and healing, allowing past memories to surface, making peace through acceptance of what has occurred, with awareness – something that is available to us only in the present moment. Freeing memories we carry inside ourselves holding back our further growth. The suffering of others reminds me of mine, so as of the collective, perhaps why I feel so called to use my hands and reach out.
BioDynamic Touch Sessions
The body is a mystery, a complex bundle of sensations, expressions, movements, forms and functions. A record of our past, a script of our unfolding future. A temporary prison of our soul, or a temple of greater expression of your light. This mystery can’t be explained but can be explored.
Biodynamic Touch sessions consist of a blend of Craniosacral therapy, pure biodynamic work and an exploration of the field of archetypal/symbolic psychology.
I have studied Biodynamic Craniosacral therapy & meditation since 2008 and assisted in training for 5 years. I have founded and teach Biodynamic Touch training to develop skills in listening for all therapies. Creating a sacred space is at the core of a healer’s presence. I also offer advanced training on dynamics of healing and the archetypal language of the body. We develop skills in discerning multiple root causes of suffering of what we call nowadays: illnesses and diseases.
Jean-Manuel Nadeau
A Geminean spirit driven by an aquarius rising vision with a dash of Leo moon
At an early age Jean-Manuel, with a camera in hand, left the life he knew to discover our world. What was supposed to be a simple adventure became his life’s journey and a pilgrimage into the practices of ancient wisdom.
Jean-Manuel’s awakening started with an immersion into Vipassana meditation, where he experienced a dissolution of the body-mind complex. This experience forever changed his life. It brought him an acute sensitivity in his ability to sense the subtle dynamics of the body, as well as a glimpse into the deeper meanings offered by the cosmos. With no prior spiritual knowledge and therefore no real references to look towards, Jean lived in this dissolved state for some time without realizing the scale of what had happened to him. Then, life brought him to Bali where he found both of his present day teachers. With their guidance, Jean was initiated into the Sacred Mystery schools and into the practice of bio-dynamic craniosacral therapy. His studies led him to discover the dynamics of time, ancient calendars and astrology, and he learned to master the sensitivity and wisdom gained in his meditation practice for the purpose of assisting others on their path of self-discovery.
A propos de Jean-Manuel Nadeau
Depuis 2005, Jean-manuel est parti à la découverte du monde. Caméra en main, il a parcouru nombre de pays d’Amérique centrale, d’Amérique du sud et d’Asie afin d’approfondir ses connaissances et sa compréhension de la planète et de la condition des humains qui y vivent.
C’est par la photographie qu’il a choisi d’immobiliser, selon une approche toute personnelle, l’instant présent, la réalité du moment. Les images ainsi révélées permettent d’apprécier la beauté et la diversité de la nature ainsi que les variantes de l’empreinte humaine sur la planète.
Ce qui a commencé comme un voyage d’initiation aux réalités physiques diverses des pays et des peuples qui les habitent s’est graduellement transformé en un long cheminement de découverte du soi intérieur. Maintenant établi en Asie, Jean-Manuel poursuit son voyage intérieur grâce à la méditation et la sagesse révélée des civilisations anciennes ainsi qu’en se perfectionnant sur des méthodes alternatives et holistiques de guérison physique.
About Jean-Manuel and Craniosacral Therapy